From the Field
Notes from your regional managers regarding nutrition, bull health and more when preparing for spring turnout.
March 19, 2025

If you haven’t already experienced higher temperatures, rest assured that warm weather is quickly approaching. While spring will arrive sooner for some regions than others, preparing for spring turnout sooner rather than later can set you up for success this breeding season.
In this month’s edition of “From the Field,” we visited with regional managers Kurt Kangas and Quanah Gardiner to discuss health management, herd nutrition, breeding soundness exams, timing and the general maintenance that producers need to be aware of before moving cattle to grass.
Bull health
Whether new bulls are transitioning into your program or you’re preparing existing bulls for breeding season, there are several items that need to be checked off the list before turning bulls out on cows.
“For people that just picked up younger bulls, those bulls should already be vaccinated and semen-tested. However, semen-testing all older bulls before bull sale season is over gives you options,” says Quanah Gardiner, regional manager for Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. “Knowing how many bulls you’re going to need and doing breeding soundness exams in advance allows you to make long-term plans instead of having to react quickly to unforeseen performance issues in your bull battery.”
“They’re going to burn through a lot of energy out there breeding cows, so bull health — not just before you turn out, but while those bulls are out on pastures — is important.” — Kurt Kangas
With the particularly frigid weather certain parts of the country have experienced during the last several months, it’s going to be essential to get bulls semen-checked to make sure they didn’t suffer injuries due to freezing temperatures that could hinder their fertility. Cattle prices in general are strong, so it’s not a bad time to get things checked and send bulls that aren’t up to par to the sale barn, advises Kurt Kangas, regional manager for Alaska, Montana and Wyoming.
“Give yourself some options, and have that bull inventory full so you have enough bulls to cover the cows that you’re going to want bred to calve within your calving window,” Kangas says. “If you’re in rougher country, you’re going to want to make sure that you adjust your cow numbers down per bull. If you’re in pretty flat country, easy pastures or smaller pastures, fewer bulls can cover more cows. Know what your bulls can handle.”
One crucial point that can be overlooked when it comes to bulls heading out on grass is nutrition. Providing protein tubs will benefit cows, as well as bulls, when it comes to overall health this spring and summer.
“They’re going to burn through a lot of energy out there breeding cows, so bull health — not just before you turn out, but while those bulls are out on pastures — is important,” advises Kangas, noting that how we house bulls outside of breeding season can also influence breeding season success. “Make sure to keep those bulls healthy. [Producers] are making a pretty substantial investment in their bull batteries, particularly those yearling bulls. You can’t just kick [yearling bulls] in with the old bulls and hope everything goes well. Those older bulls can hurt younger bulls pretty bad.”
Nutrition for females
Whether you’re transitioning newly purchased bulls off of a grain-based ration over to grass or ensuring your existing bull battery is in prime shape to get your cow herd bred this spring, focusing on nutrition is crucial. But managing the body condition score (BCS) of your females is just as important when it comes to setting this breeding season up for success.
“Making sure those females are in an adequate body condition score is the best way to make sure everything is bred back,” says Gardiner. “On the female side, we harp on the genetic side of fertility, but the largest thing we can do in terms of keeping our cattle fertile is going to be nutrition.”
Who can you turn to when it comes to creating a whole-herd nutrition plan or finding the best delivery method for nutrition to your herd? This is where having a strong working relationship with your local veterinarian or consulting nutritionist comes into play, according to Gardiner.
“When it comes to nutrition, they’re often going to be your best touchpoint in rural areas for what you need to be doing in terms of herd health and management,” he notes.
Other notes
Outside of breeding soundness exams and nutritional preparation before and during turnout, there are a few other health-related thoughts to keep in mind as we head into spring and summer. One of those quandaries involves vaccinations.
“From a sales standpoint on feeder cattle, make sure that you have a good vaccination program for those calves,” stresses Kangas, noting that vaccinated calves have proven to bring more money on the summer video sales. “It might take a little bit more time and cost a bit more money, but you get paid tenfold on that investment.”
Another important note to keep in mind? Make sure you’re handling vaccines as the label recommends so they retain their efficacy. While he feels cattlemen are much more aware of heat and light sensitivity when it comes to vaccines, it never hurts to hear a reminder.
One final bit of advice: Be observant. When it comes to watching the herd — especially bulls — while on grass, that’s a season-long task, says Kangas.
“Check their mobility all season long, and make sure they’re getting around OK. It’s easy for some bulls to get kicked out there, step in a badger hole and get a limping leg,” Kangas notes. “That could cost you quite a bit of breed-back in the long run.”
Editor’s note: “From the Field” is a regular Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA column featuring advice, industry news and Angus updates from regional managers of the American Angus Association. For information on how to contact your regional manager, click here.
Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA, Vol. 17, No. 3-B
Topics: Feedstuffs , Health , Management , Nutrition , Pasture and Forage , Reproduction
Publication: Angus Beef Bulletin