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Angus Beef Bulletin Nutrition topic page providing access to stories on forage, feedstuffs, supplementation, requirements and more.

Angus Beef Bulletin


Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.

Angus Advisor: Western Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Inclement Adjacent


Meeting your herd’s nutritional needs with supplemental feeding may give them the nutritive edge going into the winter.

Tackling Trace Minerals


How a small investment can pay big dividends for cattle producers.

Angus Advisor: Southern Great Plains


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Angus Advisor Midwest Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Angus Advisor: Southern Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Evergreen Practices for Winter Forage Management


Making the most of hay and pasture distribution amid the onset of colder conditions can drastically impact an operation’s winter feeding plan.

"Keep Doing What You’re Doing”


Tom Fanning and Pete Anderson share a message from the feeding industry to Angus breeders.

Saving With Swaths


Swath-grazing in winter months may save time and resources.

Angus Advisor: Eastern Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Angus Advisor: Midwest Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Nutritional Development of Heifers


Helping your females achieve high levels of productivity.

Angus Advisor Southern Great Plains


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Ground Zero, Below Zero


Acknowledging cattle’s body condition scores when formulating winter feed and forage plans can give producers a step up going into the cold season.

Angus Advisor Western Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Angus Advisor Eastern Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Angus Advisor Southern Region


Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.

Stop Reproductive Failure


Higher input costs, calf prices double incentive to investigate cause of open cows.

Are Your Cows Running Out of Vitamin A?


Months from green grass, stores in the liver may be running low.

Keep the Best Genetics in Your Herd with Heifer Development with Joe Gillespie


Heifers are a big investment, so you want to set them up for success. With such a low cow herd number, heifer development is a big part of herd profitability. Miranda Reiman chatted with Joe Gillespie about sound heifer development to keep the best genetics in your herd for a long time. In this episode, learn about the three buckets of heifer development, the best timing of vaccinations for heifers, when heifers usually fall out of the herd, how to avoid that loss and more!

Care & Feeding of Young Bulls After Breeding Season


Proper management of young bulls can help keep them in top form.

Keep the Cow Rumen Healthy in Drylot


Maintaining a healthy cow herd means maintaining a healthy rumen. Here are some considerations for cows in drylot.

Feeding Soybean Hulls to Beef Cattle


Usually, soyhulls are priced competitively to corn. To determine which is a better buy to feed cattle, compare them on a nutritional basis, especially looking at energy and protein.

Backgrounding at Different Rates of Gain


Backgrounding at a high rate of gain produces cattle with higher gains and ending weights.

If You’ve Never Tested Forages, This is the Year to Start


Unusual weather patterns prompt concern forages may not meet nutrient requirements.

The Green Vitamin


Do pregnant cows need even more vitamin A?

Filling the Summer Forage Gap


Warm-season annuals can provide needed forage during hot summer months or when renovating stands.

Feedstuff Finder Is One-stop Shop for Missouri Buyers and Sellers


Sourcing feed products is made simple with cutting-edge platform for farmers, ranchers and suppliers.

Step Down Your New Bull’s Diet


Bulls are often pushed nutritionally from weaning to sale. Here are tips to transition them to breeding season.

Axiota® Animal Health


Trace minerals are critical components of reproductive success for both cows and bulls. From hormone function and sperm viability to protection of the developing embryo after conception, trace minerals play an important role in getting cows back in calf quickly.

Effects of Early Diet Options in Beef-on-Dairy Calves


Different rations lead to significantly fewer liver abscesses in finished calves.

Caring for Bulls in the Winter


K-State beef cattle experts share how to best manage bulls during this season.

Backgrounding Calves


Managing a backgrounding operation may offer an easier way to get started in the cattle business.

3 Steps to Prepare for Winter Feeding


Extension specialist offers tips for how to calculate how much hay your cows will eat this winter.

Save Money, Increase Grass and Enjoy Cattle


Hugh Aljoe of the Noble Research Institute shares how regenerative practices can benefit ranchers during episode of Angus at Work.

Supplement Delivery Methods for Weaned Calves


Researchers compared calf gain and health response between three supplement delivery methods.

Sharing the Importance of Beef in a Healthy Diet


Texas Tech’s Mark Miller helps lead research on supplementing human diets with healthy protein.

More Than an Anchor


Cover crops can be used to provide additional feed for cattle, as well as to hold and improve the soil. However, what and when you plant may depend on your climate and growing season.

Mycotoxins Steal Profits


Why mycotoxins are more prevalent today than ever before.

From the Field


Notes from two very different regions on what to expect this winter.

Understand Forage Quality Analysis


How to read a forage analysis. Definitions explained.

Cotton Byproducts in Beef Cattle Rations


The benefits of cottonseed for cow-calf operations.

Betting On the Future


Cattlemen across the country share how they plan for drought recovery.

Foot Rot in Cattle


Husbandry and minerals can help prevent foot rot; treatment options discussed.

Flexibility and Smart Supplementation with Karla Wilke


Flexibility means options, and today Karla Wilke, associate professor of range management and cow-calf specialist for the University of Nebraska, offers options for income generation and enterprises. She also shares research about smart supplementation, and how timing affects growth while saving you money.

Can You Program Fertility with Shelby Rosasco


Replacement heifers are an incredibly important, yet expensive part of our operations. Wouldn't it be great if we could program fertility in our replacement heifers? Shelby Rosasco from the University of Wyoming tells us that nutritional management of weaned heifers can help program puberty attainment, fertility, and the ovarian reserve.

Get More Out of Fall and Winter Grazing


Strip-grazing can increase carrying capacity, according to study from Nebraska Extension beef systems specialist.