Selection, genomics, the latest tools and more.
Comparing EPDs Across Breeds featuring Esther Tarpoff
On this episode of Angus At Work, Miranda Reiman visits with Esther Tarpoff, director of performance programs for the American Angus Association, regarding across-breed EPDs and how they’re calculated; the revolutionary nature of having data comparing multiple breeds; the role the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center plays in strengthening the U.S. cattle herd; and much more. Tune in for discussion of across-breed EPD adjustment factors, making comparisons across breeds, and USMARC.
Bull Buying Thoughts from Your Angus Regional Managers
2025 will arrive before we know it. Keeping that in mind, our team wanted to give you a sneak peek at our January 2025 Angus Beef Bulletin. Lynsey McAnally checked in with a few regional managers to discuss key considerations when buying bulls and questions you might ask your seedstock provider.
A Packer's Perspective on Demand
A packer’s perspective on adding value to feeder cattle featured on episode of Angus at Work.
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The Link
There has never been a time in our industry when the supply chain has been more closely aligned. That bodes well for both short-term and long-term profitability prospects.
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A Deeper Dive
Featuring “Angus At Work” episodes worth a revisit. Topics include using performance decisions to make better decisions, using ionophores to increase herd efficiency and starting discussions on succession planning.
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Balancing Input & Output
Cattle still sell by the pound. Quality enhances value. Yet, the cost of production must be considered. Finding a balance is key to managing cattle that work for your operation.
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