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Angus At Work is a podcast for the profit-minded cattleman. Produced by the Angus Beef Bulletin staff, it provides news and information on health, nutrition, genetics, marketing and management.
An Angus University session on marketing cattle brings together commercial cattlemen, seedstock producers and industry representatives.
What do commercial cattlemen pay for bulls, and how does that correlate to calf value? Are commercial herds planning to rebuild? What incentivizes feedlots to buy — and to pay a premium — on a set of calves? Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.
Cattle industry and political system have similarities. The marketplace will reward you for successfully delivering on your promises.
Learn about the Angus Beef Bulletin’s many forms, including the magazine itself, the Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide, the Angus At Work podcast and the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter. Access current issues and ways to subscribe.
Angus Beef Bulletin Management topic page providing access to stories on business planning, herd management, land stewardship, facilities solutions and more.
Angus Beef Bulletin Genetics topic page providing selection, genomics, the latest tools and more.
Angus Beef Bulletin Nutrition topic page providing access to stories on forage, feedstuffs, supplementation, requirements and more.
Angus Beef Bulletin Health topic page providing links to stories on vaccination protocols, treatments, disease detection and more.
Angus Beef Bulletin Marketing topic page providing access to stories on demand, verification programs, pricing, risk management and more.
The most successful breeding programs are built on consistency and purpose. Defining your breeding objective and appropriately using the right Angus selection tools will help ensure genetic progress that aligns with operational goals, says Mark McCully in this edition of “Common Ground.”
Higher input costs, calf prices double incentive to investigate cause of open cows.
Tips for managing a common problem in young cattle.
Months from green grass, stores in the liver may be running low.
Don Close, with Terrain explains the mission of their company, what influences interest rates and where those rates are potentially trending in the near future.
Heifers are a big investment, so you want to set them up for success. With such a low cow herd number, heifer development is a big part of herd profitability. Miranda Reiman chatted with Joe Gillespie about sound heifer development to keep the best genetics in your herd for a long time. In this episode, learn about the three buckets of heifer development, the best timing of vaccinations for heifers, when heifers usually fall out of the herd, how to avoid that loss and more!
Pain-management questions spark considerations.
Tips for haying and grazing areas with hemlock.
Inspired by a legacy of practical, market-changing cattle producers, Elizabeth and Dustin Perkins believe matings made with high-dollar bulls are only as good as the foundation set by the cows. Perkins Angus Ranch, Lorraine, Kan., focuses on females with longevity and structure that have live calves year after year.
Proper management of young bulls can help keep them in top form.
A bull’s scrotal size and shape are strong indicators of his fertility and his offspring’s fertility potential.
“Our goal is straightforward,” says Bryce Lindskov of Lindskov’s LT Ranch, Isabel, S.D. “We want to bring industry-changing genetics to our customers that will help their operations be as efficient and profitable as possible.”
Maintaining a healthy cow herd means maintaining a healthy rumen. Here are some considerations for cows in drylot.
Every delay of 30 minutes of obstetric care during stage II labor can result in a six-day longer anestrous period.
Meat market provides training opportunity for students, including winners of the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest.
Warts often appear in yearlings and are contagious, often spreading to multiple animals in the group.
Research collaboration by the Texas A&M Department of Entomology and the USDA creates potential for genetic tools to control disease-spreading ticks.
Certified Angus Beef’s Paul Dykstra discusses current market trends and what producers might expect in the coming year.
“Cows that stay and steers that pay” is the mantra of the R.A. Brown Ranch, Throckmorton, Texas. Donnell and Kelli Brown are the fifth generation to own and manage the business focused on the needs of their commercial cow-calf producers. Resounding wisdom from a wise ol’ cowman keeps Donnell grounded.
Author Kelli Retallick-Riley shares insight to the genetic tools available to help navigate the future beef industry in this issue’s “Sorting Gate.”
Analyst takes deep dive into reasons for escalating costs for cattle transport.
At a veterinary conference in 1994, 50 veterinarians were asked which cattle parasites were of most concern. The answer was cattle grubs. When organophosphate products were still used for grub and lice control, it was rare to find cattle with warbles.
Usually, soyhulls are priced competitively to corn. To determine which is a better buy to feed cattle, compare them on a nutritional basis, especially looking at energy and protein.
Backgrounding at a high rate of gain produces cattle with higher gains and ending weights.
Editor Shauna Hermel shares why it is important to keep accuracies and associated possible change in mind when evaluating expected progeny differences.
This month’s edition includes industry recognition for Angus publications and communications teams, Certified Angus Beef’s 2024 Industry Achievement Award winner, the American Angus Association’s release of research EPDs for TEAT and UDDR, upcoming industry meetings, and Angus herds earning Historic Angus Herd status.
K-State’s Brian Lubbers and Phillip Lancaster offered management tips for caring for older cows and factors that should be considered in making a culling decision.
Unusual weather patterns prompt concern forages may not meet nutrient requirements.
Do pregnant cows need even more vitamin A?
The focus on females is apparent at Arellano Bravo Angus, Walnut Grove, Calif. “We have always prioritized phenotype, and, over the last five years, we have combined that with looking at genotype,” said Timoteo (Tim) Arellano, operations manager.
Angus Media, CattleFax gather insights on current management, future intentions of cow-calf and feedlot sectors.
In this month’s “Market Closeout,” author Troy Marshall ponders the dollars & sense of our business.
Cull cow and beef prices bounce higher.
“Proven cow families along with the most proven and progressive cutting-edge sires are the blueprint for our foundation. We believe the goal posts for success are phenotype and genotype working hand in hand,” says Charlie Boyd II of Boyd Beef Cattle.
On today’s episode of Angus At Work, Charles Kneuper visits with host Lynsey McAnally about conserving and stewarding natural resources with help from the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
The sights and sounds at a feedyard are predictable, but you don’t expect to find such pristine facilities and people who care about every aspect of the cattle-feeding business. It’s all there at Magnum Feedyard, just outside Wiggins, Colo.
How to develop and execute a ranch risk management plan.
In “Market Closeout” this month, author Troy Marshall discusses how the No. 1 hurdle we face is not accepting the role of marketing, but rather overcoming tradition.
Warm-season annuals can provide needed forage during hot summer months or when renovating stands.
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