The Digestive Tract
Rebuild the herd through heifer development, longevity.
March 24, 2025
Currently, the U.S. cow herd inventory is the lowest it has been in 70 years. Much of this is due to drought conditions, which have continued to decrease the inventory, allowing for market prices to increase to record levels. Any rebuilding the cow herd experiences over the next couple of years may be contingent upon environmental conditions across the United States.
Long-term mindset
Developing a heifer to replace a cull cow is one of the most expensive management decisions for cow-calf producers, leading to major implications on long-term herd profitability. For each ranching operation, selection decisions may be decided by one trait or a combination of factors such as disposition, genetic merit, age of dam, performance of dam, body weight of the heifer, date of birth, etc.
Nevertheless, these selection decisions should be made with long-term profitability in mind.
Personally, I like to look at it as the heifer’s net present value. Just like any capital investment, retained or purchased heifers are only worth the sum of all the income over their lifetime, including salvage value, minus production costs that occurred during development.
Cow longevity or retention is an important economic trait to cow-calf producers; however, longevity has a relatively low heritability. Although there is a lot of opportunity to increase retention rates in cow-calf herds, research showing genetic selection or management strategies making substantial effects on longevity is limited. That said, we do know heifer development and other management strategies such as heifer birth date can affect cow herd retention.
Even so, improving cow longevity is a challenging process, due in part to the multitude of factors involved.
Delays inherent in beef cattle production, such as cows producing their first calf at 2 years of age, result in cows needing to produce between three and 10 calves in order for the producer to recoup heifer development costs. Included is the opportunity cost of selling the animal as a heifer, which depends on cost of production and initial heifer costs.
With high market prices, breakeven (the time to pay off original development costs) will be greater for beef producers. Therefore, we may need to focus on how to increase cow herd longevity and how to decrease developmental costs.
Target weight
When the decision to develop heifers has been made, the question becomes, “What is the proper strategy to develop replacements for the cow herd?”
Traditional recommendations suggest heifers should be managed to reach 65% of their mature body weight at breeding to maximize pregnancy rates. In the last several years, multiple studies across differing environmental conditions have proved heifers can be developed to as low as 48%-50% of mature body weight with no negative effect on pregnancy rates.
Heifers in these systems are developed at a restricted gain [less than 0.75 pound (lb.) per day] while utilizing a compensatory gain or increased gain period around the time of breeding.
Long-term studies from Nebraska and Washington have indicated heifers may need to reach at least 60% of mature body weight prior to the start of breeding. Both of these long-term studies illustrate decreased rebreeding rate in 2-year-old cows for heifers that were less than 60% of mature body weight at the start of breeding.
With that in mind, decision on rate of gain or achieving a certain percentage of mature body weight needs to also consider challenges of rebreeding. There is substantial decrease in feed cost by developing heifers to a lighter percentage of mature body weight. However, there may need to be an increase in supplement costs for 2-year-old, first-calf cows to help achieve greater rebreeding percentages.

While cow herd longevity is the result of many factors, proper management of replacement females plays a large role in their long-term success. Select earlier-born heifers, and ensure they attain an appropriate weight prior to breeding.
Selection of heifers by age
In my career, I can’t recall the number of times I have had producers tell me their selection for heifers was to sell the heavy and lightweights at weaning while keeping the middle, or a similar selection process. The reasoning is that heavy heifers would make big cows, and lightweight heifers would be less productive.
Selecting heifers in this manner, however, tends to sell the older, more mature heifers rather than selling heifers that may have more genetic potential for growth. Heifers born early in the calving season are older and tend to have a heavier body weight at weaning.
These early-born heifers also have greater rates of puberty attainment prior to the start of their first breeding season, allowing for increased opportunity to conceive earlier in the breeding season and therefore calve earlier in the calving season.
A good illustration of this is from a long-term study we conducted in Nebraska that converted March-born heifers into a May-calving herd. After females reached 5 years old, retention rate was greater in the older, March-born cows compared to May-born cows.
In breeding seasons with limited forage quality, selecting for older heifers born in earlier calving seasons may allow for increased forage intake capacity. The inability of young cows to consume enough energy, especially during early lactation is a driver of delayed resumption of estrus and ultimately decreased pregnancy rates.
With high heifer prices, selection and development of heifers should focus on cost-effective gains to achieve your target prior to breeding and increasing longevity. An effective strategy for many cow-calf producers is to select early-born, older replacement heifers. As discussed, this may result in increased longevity in the cow herd while increasing total production of more calves weaned and lifetime profitability of the replacement heifer.
If selection is done prior to weaning, this can allow for increased flexibility in managing heifers headed to the feedlot, such as calfhood implants that may provide a cost-effective strategy to increase weaning weight of those heifers.
Editor’s note: “The Digestive Tract” is a regular column focused on nutrition for the beef cattle life cycle. Our team is happy to welcome Travis Mulliniks as the newest contributor to this column. Mulliniks is the Glenn & Mildred Harvey Professor of Beef Cattle Management, as well as the associate head of the Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences at Oregon State University.
Topics: Nutrition , Female Foundations , Management , Selection
Publication: Angus Beef Bulletin
Issue: April 2025