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Angus Beef Bulletin Genetics topic page providing selection, genomics, the latest tools and more.
Bull-buying tips from your Association regional managers.
Determining what an Angus bull should cost in today’s market requires an understanding of the interplay between genetics, market demand and operational considerations.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
Our team of Angus advisors offer regional tips for herd management.
The first PGS bull banner at the NJAS goes to a champion family.
Welcome to the Angus Beef Bulletin, the commercial cattleman’s Angus connection. Find the information you need to make the most of your investment in Angus genetics. The Angus Beef Bulletin provides news and information on health, genetics, nutrition, marketing and management through a variety of media, including the Angus Beef Bulletin magazine, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA electronic newsletter and the Angus At Work podcast.
Angus members are dedicated to quality data collection. With an update alongside the Fall Sire Evaluation Report May 24, phenotypes in the genetic evaluation will be differentiated from those that are not.