Advance your commercial herd
GeneMax® Advantage™ is the only commercial test exclusively designed for high-percentage Angus females, and it’s the only test that delivers the Angus $Values – the gold standard in beef cattle genetic selection.
Unlock your herd’s genetic potential with GeneMax Advantage.
GeneMax Advantage provides easy and dependable evaluation of commercial Angus females for maternal, feedlot, carcass and eating satisfaction traits; and now it includes early summer hair shedding (HS) and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) as novel traits to help you match your herd to your environment.
No where else can you leverage the power of the Angus database – the world’s largest, single beef breed database – for testing Angus-based commercial females.
GeneMax Advantage
Take the guesswork out of your breeding decisions, and test with GeneMax Advantage, a commercial genomic test. Genetic testing is a proven technology and can help your operation in all kinds of ways.
Test results can help you avoid costly mistakes by informing the selection of the most advantageous heifers and breeding them strategically to produce valuable calves and superior replacements.
Pricing: $28.00 per test
In addition to five $Values ($M, $F, $G, $B and $C), GeneMax Advantage delivers three economic index scores that allow for easier, more dependable decision-making. Collectively, these tools can be used as part of an integrated genetic game plan, aiding with selection, mating and bull-buying decisions.
Have questions about the approved tools for sample collection and submission?
Cow Advantage Score
When looking to accelerate maternal progress, look to this score. It predicts differences in profitability from heifer development, pregnancy and calving to the sale of weaned progeny.
Traits include birth weight (BW), calving ease maternal (CEM), weaning weight (WW), yearling height (YH), maternal milk (MILK), heifer pregnancy (HP), mature weight (MW), foot conformation – claw and angle composite (CAC), docility (DOC), and cow cost.
Feeder Advantage Score
This score Predicts differences in net return of feeder calf progeny due to growth, feed efficiency and CAB carcass merit, because you’re in the business of growing cattle.
Traits include postweaning gain (Gain), feed to gain (F:G), carcass weight (CW), marbling (MARB), ribeye area (RE), fat, and tenderness (TND).
Total Advantage Score
You know your herd females need to be the full package. This score predicts differences in profitability from genetic merit across all economically relevant traits captured in the Cow and Feeder Advantage index scores.
As a composite score pulling from 16 traits, you can count on GeneMax Advantage’s Total Advantage Score as a helpful tool when looking to maintain balance across your herd.
A $Value Index ($Value) is a collection of individual traits weighted by their economic value such that traits with greater impacts on the production goals have a larger economic weight associated with them. Higher $Values equate to more predicted profitability. $Values reported on through GeneMax are directly comparable to $Values used to rank registered Angus bulls.
You can view information about $Values, including trait definitions, on this webpage. The five $Values included on GeneMax Advantage-tested females are $M, $F, $G, $B and $C.
GeneMax Advantage includes Sire Match. To help you identify effective sires and manage inbreeding, Sire Match is available from registered and HD 50K or Angus GS-tested bulls in your battery for tested daughters.
Individual results are benchmarked against nearly 120,000 commercial Angus females, and percentile rankings are also provided for indexes and trait scores. This information helps you gauge your animals against the tested population and, over time, benchmark your own herd's genetic progress.
GeneMax delivers genomic predictions for 19 individual traits benchmarked against nearly 120,000 tested commercial Angus replacement heifer candidates. The individual traits benchmarked are:
- Birth Weight (BW)
- Calving Ease Maternal (CEM)
- Weaning Weight (WW)
- Heifer Pregnancy (HP)
- Milk
- Yearling Height (YH)
- Mature Cow Weight (MW)
- Cow Cost
- Docility (DOC)
- Foot Claw & Angle Composite (CAC)
- Post-Weaning Gain (Gain)
- Feed-To-Gain (F:G)
- Carcass Weight (CW)
- Marbling (MARB)
- Ribeye Area (RE)
- Tenderness (TND)
- Fat Thickness (FAT)
- Hair Shed (HS)
- Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP)